Deezer Data Usage

From data sourced by independent artists, you can see that Deezer sits right in the middle of the pack, paying $0.00567 per stream. In other words, for every 176.3 streams the artist you’re listening to gets $1.

  • Google Play Music and Deezer both offer a maximum audio bitrate of 320kbps, which uses approximately 144MB of data per hour. So does Tidal, although it also has a Hi-Fi plan with a bitrate of.
  • This means a typical three-minute song uses roughly 2.16MB on normal, 3.6MB on high and 7.2MB on extreme. If you listen to an average of one hour of music every day, this works out at a monthly data usage of approximately 1.27GB on normal, 2.1GB on high and 4.2GB on extreme.

First steps¶

To start calling the API, you first need to instantiate aClient:


From there, you can search for some terms:

The above returned a lot of tracks. If you wanted to search for artistsinstead, you may do so by specifying the relation argument:

The relation parameter accepts any resource name as value. The name ofa resource is a string with the class name in lowercase. This isexplained in a following section.

Main concepts¶

As we just seen above, the entry point is theClient Sakura pack fl studio. class,which gives access to a number of methods. The methods are attempting tomap to the REST API endpoints from Deezer.

You may have noticed from the above examples, but depending on theendpoint that is being called, the methods will return various type ofresources. All the resources are listed in theresources reference page.

More examples¶

Getting a field about a resource¶

When you ge a resource, you have access to all the fields that are inthe REST API response. For example, all the fields presented in thedocumentation for the trackobject are accessible asattribute on the Track resource:

Navigating resource relationships¶

As well as giving access to its own attributes, a resource also givesaccess to other related resources.

For example, when you get an Artist, youmay call one of the methods documented to get the artist’s albums, thenfrom an Album get its tracks, and from aTrack you may go back to theAlbum or theArtist. Doraemon movie gadget museum ka rahasya in hindi download hd.

Let’s try from the initial example:

As you can see, it doesn’t look like we’re making API requests, butunder the hood, the client is passed around and makes further API callsas needed.


How Much Data Does Deezer Use Per Hour

You can tell the difference, though: attributes access are using thedata from the resource which was already fetched, while calling a methodon the resource does extra API requests.

Getting the raw data¶

At some point, you might want to get the resources exported as Pythondictionaries to store them somewhere else or transform them further.

Deezer Data Usage Software

Each resource has a asdict() method to export its content asdictionary:


The deezer-python library doesn’t handle the authentication process,but it accepting an API token, which one can obtain using otherlibraries.

Obtaining a authentication token is better done client side, for examplewith Python Social Auth, whichsupports Deezer authentication.

Deezer Streaming Data Usage

Once the OAuth2 flow is complete, Deezer should give you a token whichcan be passed to the Client class:

Deezer Data Usage Tool

From there, you should be able to perform authenticated requests.