Your Freedom

Your Freedom cannot differentiate between true censorship and merely commercial interests; if there is a way out, Your Freedom will find it and use it. What does it cost? A rudimentary service is available for free. Only do not turn your freedom into an excuse for giving way to your lower natures; but become bondservants to one another in a spirit of love. World English Bible For you, brothers, were called for freedom. Only don't use your freedom for gain to the flesh, but through love be servants to one another. Your Freedom is worth Navigating. Welcome and a special invitation for you! Join our Military Community Now. Diary of a Retiree: My Year in Review. Sitting here now, taking the time to share about my year in review I can confidently say that. Fund Your Freedom Overseas will teach you many different ways you can make money ANYWHERE overseas, not just Panama. It’s easier than you think to create an income to support your lifestyle offshore and you’ll soon learn that you don’t need to get a job to do so. (Though I do provide information about getting a job at the end of the e-book).

We’ve created a podcast to dive more deeply into this issue. Click here to enjoy the conversation on how to get more freedom in your life.

If our life had a theme, it would consist of two words:


Your freedom apk



You can’t get the first without the second, of course, and we’ve seen it come full circle time and time again in our lives.

Little freedoms…

like creating a schedule that allows plenty of time for socializing despite our work projects.

Medium freedoms...

like the ability to commit to a 509-km trek in Turkey due to the fitness we’ve gained from daily exercise.

Life-changing freedoms…

like the decision to travel the world together since 2010.

But I don’t think we’d get the biggies without the practice and space the little ones make.

So today we’re giving you 10 easy ways to add more freedom to your life.

Because no matter what your big theme is, you’ll need a certain degree of freedom to get there.

1. Live a cash-only life

Oh sure, make it a debit card if you like, but stop with the spending on credit if you’re not paying it off every month. When you purchase something you cannot pay for, you are obligating yourself to future work to pay for it.

2. Move your body every day

It’s like a bad relationship. You take your body for granted long enough, and it’s going to revolt. You don’t want to see that first inkling of your dream and then not have enough energy or strength to enjoy it. Take the stairs, walk for 30 minutes after dinner, or take a class.

You don’t have to be gym rat, but you do have to work your heart and body if you want them to continue to work for you.

3. Get rid of the stuff you don’t need

Your Freedom Concurs Winston

If you’re surrounded by items you don’t use, going to events you don’t like, and maintaining relationships you’ve outgrown, you’ll never have the space in your life for the items that you will use, the events that fire you up, and relationships that feed your soul. Hanging on to what you’ve outgrown is like having a growth spurt and continuing to wear the same clothes just because you always have. Life changes, and so do your needs. Get rid of the crap that doesn’t fit anymore.

(And if you’re worried that you might need it someday, try sharing. It’s the ultimate freedom.)

4. Limit your time with toxic people

You are like the 5 people you spend the most time with. Does that make you feel good or bad? Well, only you can do something about it. You don’t have to talk to the office gossip except to get your work done. You don’t have to attend events with people you don’t like. When you choose to spend your time with toxic people, you will never meet great people. And you run the very real risk of turning into a toxic person yourself (and there is no freedom down that road).


5. Get over yourself

To enjoy freedom, you have to manage the voices in your head, the ones that invite obsessive critique and worry over every little thing. Those voices have you so focused on yourself and what could go wrong that you never get a chance to do anything right. No one else is thinking about you as much as you think they are. And even if you have an epic fall from grace in the most public of ways, we live in a 24-hour news cycle and you won’t be infamous for long. Get over yourself, and you’ll get over your limitations. And that’s where you’ll find your freedom.

Your freedom app

6. Stay in touch

You know what freedom feels like? Hanging out with people you like. Having fun and making memories with really great people. That can’t happen if you don’t stay in touch or make time to see them. If it takes 3 months to set up a date with friends you like because of a calendar packed full of things you don’t like nearly so much, you are not on the verge of freedom. If you don’t have time to support your friends’ projects or be there when they need you, you are very far from free. And probably a little lonely, too.

7. Say what you want (and do something about it)

The secret to happiness, without a doubt, is asking for it. If you don’t feel free enough to say what you want, when you want it, and how you would like to have it, then you are going to have a much harder time making it come true. If you are waiting for someone else to make it happen, read your mind, or give you permission, you are denying yourself the freedom that comes from simply opening your mouth. If you never hear no in your life, you just aren’t asking for enough.

8. Stop managing everyone else

Is everyone else depending on you? Probably not, but it’s easy to fool yourself into thinking that’s true. People who are free expect those around them to exercise freedom as well. They don’t nag, guilt-trip, or boss people around. Their unsolicited advice remains in their heads because they have other things to do and imagine that you do, too. Stop feeding your ego and start feeding your freedom.

9. Share your talents

Want to feel free, immensely grateful for your life experience, and do the world a solid? Give some of your talents back. Mentor someone a few rungs down the ladder from you at work. Share your experience with a friend or acquaintance going through something tough you’ve already finished, like childbirth, divorce, bankruptcy, the flu, or a home renovation project. You don’t have to tell them what to do (see #8), but just letting them know you have experience and can answer questions will help. And when you make life better for other people, you make the whole world just a little bit more free. Call it selfish selflessness if you want, but it works.

10. Try something new every week

New is exhilarating, whether it’s a different haircut, taking the scenic route home from work, or cooking a new recipe. Maybe it’s inviting a new acquaintance out for coffee or lunch, or reading a book about a subject you know nothing about (or think you disagree with entirely). New is a workout for your brain, your heart, and your soul. New experiences are the waters in the fountain of youth, and you’ll feel the exhilaration of freedom every time you take a dip. So do it…frequently.

So there you have it, 10 ways to add more freedom into your life TODAY. You don’t need a new job, a passport, or a winning lottery ticket. All you have to do is decide you want more freedom in your life and then take the action to make it happen.

Hey! Have you checked out the podcast yet? Every Tuesday is an episode of life-changing goodness in 20 minutes or less (well, except that one time…and that’s when we talked about Justin Beiber and quitting your job with Pam Slim, so it’s okay). Click here to listen or subscribe.

Are you trapped behind a firewall or a filtering web proxy and cannot access some or many web pages or use an application you would like to use or play a game you would like to play? Is your Internet connection being censored and you would like to stick censorship where the sun doesn't shine? Would you prefer to stay anonymous, that your IP address is not logged with every access to someone's web page? Then look no further, you've found the solution!

The Your Freedom services makes accessible what is unaccessible to you, and it hides your network address from those who don't need to know. Just download our client application and install or just run it on your PC; it turns your own PC into an uncensored, anonymous web proxy and an uncensored, anonymous SOCKS proxy that your applications can use, and if that's not enough it can even get you connected to the Internet just as if you were using an unrestricted DSL or cable connection -- just like the firewall suddenly went boom! You can even make your PC accessible from the Internet if you like. Nearly all applications work with Your Freedom, and so far no-one has managed to block our service completely and permanently without blocking your Internet access entirely.

Every day, more than 10,000 people in over 160 countries use our service, some because their government would rather not have them exercise their human rights, some because their school or university feels they are not mature enough to decide for themselves whether playing the odd game interferes with their studies or not, others because they don't want traceable IP addresses in every logfile. There are probably as many good reasons to use Your Freedom as there are restrictive firewalls in the world!

Your first step to an unrestricted Internet access is to register on this web page -- all you need to provide is a contactable email address and a username and a password, nothing else is required. Then download the client application (available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and everything else that can run Java apps, and Android) and run it -- the wizard will guide you through configuring it properly. Then configure your applications to use your own PC as web or SOCKS proxy or use our transparent OpenVPN mode.

If you do not need Your Freedom's filter avoidance capabilities, you can simply use our service through PPTP. No client software needed. Check out our PPTP howto. PPTP works well with games!