Connect Cisco Anyconnect Vpn

Solved: Hi Team, We got a requirement is to make the anyconnect to Autoconnect to our network whenever the PC Restarts or the Internet link Disconnects. So is there any way to Remeber the Password in Anyconnect Software and making it to Auto connect. Connect with AnyConnect VPN Search for the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client app on your desktop (Type “ Cisco AnyConnect ” in your computer search bar OR select the Windows Start button and search in the menu items). Click to open the application. In the VPN pop-up window, enter: Quantity: CISCO AnyConnect Virtual Private Network (VPN) - UIUC Only. Total Price: Free. Payment Type: Credit Card. The Technology Services VPN offers a secure connection to the campus network. It enables access to resources that are restricted to the campus network.

I enjoy the new VPN client, it’s small and fast, however I hated that you can’t save profiles in the drop down list like you could in the traditional VPN client.

This has been bothering for a long time and kept finding conflicting information on if this was possible or not. Finally got it to work.

This is for version 3.1x and Windows 7 let me know if this works for your version and OS.

  • Create a preferences.xml file in C:ProgramDataCiscoCisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility ClientProfile
  • Use this format

Configure Cisco Anyconnect Vpn

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>


<AnyConnectProfile xmlns=''>

AnyConnect VPN Client FAQ



  • Save the file.
  • Restart the connectivity client.
  • Enjoy

Connect Cisco Anyconnect Vpn Free


Cisco Vpn Autoconnect

EDIT 01/18/2017: This also works with Cisco AnyConnect 4.x!