Disqus Wordpress

If you are looking for an excellent alternative to the default WordPress commenting system, the feature-rich Disqus Comment Systemcomes to your rescue.

Step 1: Create Disqus account & register site 0:22 Step 2: Install WordPress plugin 1:13 Step 3: Manual Installation 2:01 OR Automatic Installation 2:37 Help. Disqus is a service for web comments and discussions. The Disqus plugin makes commenting easier and more interactive, while connecting websites and commenter’s across a thriving discussion community. The Disqus for WordPress plugin seamlessly integrates using the Disqus API and by syncing with WordPress comments. Comments are resource intensive.

Some noteworthy features of the Disqus Comment System are:

From your WordPress plugin page, select Plugins-Add New-Upload Plugin and choose the disqus.zip file you created. Activate the plugin and then install using the instructions in the plugin. Custom Filters dsqcanload. You can override when Disqus loads on a certain page using the dsqcanload filter. By default Disqus won't load scripts on. Here I demonstrate how you can add a commenting system to your WordPress website or blog. We will use the 'Disqus' commenting system, its easy to install, ea. Disqus is the web’s most popular commenting system trusted by millions of publishers to increase reader engagement, grow audience and traffic, and monetize content. Disqus helps publishers of all sizes engage directly with their audiences to build loyalty, retain readers, and foster thriving communities. The Disqus for WordPress plugin lets site owners and developers easily add Disqus to their sites, replacing the default WordPress.

  • It makes your page load faster : Instead of loading your comments from your database, Disqus waits until the page is loaded and then load the comments asynchronously.
  • Readers can connect using a Disqus account or using social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and a few others.
  • In-built spam protection.
  • Users can upload and share images in comments.
  • Users can vote on the comments
  • Automatically displays the related posts or pages
  • Monetization feature

So, how do you enable Disqus for your site?

Installation - I

Installation of the plugin is as usual. Login into your WordPress site as admin. From the dashboard, click on Plugins> Add New. Type disqus in the search box and from the results click on Install Now next to the Disqus Comment System. After installation, activate the plugin.

Installation - II

To configure the system, click on Comments->Disqus from the WordPress admin dashboard. From the screen asking your to upgrade, click on the Upgrade button.

Here you get a screen Install Disqus Comments. This is used to connect your site to a Disqus profile. At this log into Disqus if you already have a profile. If not click on don't have a Disqus Profile yet? to register for one. Sign up for a Disqus profile.

Add Disqus to site

After signing up for a Disqus profile and logging into the account, go to the top right gear icon and click on Add Disqus to Site.

Disqus Wordpress Plugin

This redirects you to the Engage site and the below screen appears.

The Disqus commenting and community platform is Engage. Click on the Start Using Engage button at the bottom of the page.

Add Disqus to your site by giving the following details.

  • Site name: Any site name.
  • Choose your unique Disqus URL: Try giving a short name for your site. Disqus will verify its availability and prompt you to choose a different name if it is not available.
  • Category: From the drop down, choose the category of your site. Several options like Auto, Business, Culture, News and Sports are available.

Click on Finish Registration.

Now that you have created a site on Disqus, return to your WordPress admin dashboard to continue with the configuration.

In the Install Disqus Comments screen, login with your Disqus credentials. Choose the site which you just added and click on Next.

The installation has completed.

Click on Continue to the moderation dashboard and then on Go to Disqus Moderation on the next screen to see the existing state of comments for your site.

You will be taken to the Disqus Moderation dashboard for your site. As of now, there are no comments here.


Enable Disqus Comments on WordPress

By default, the Disqus Comments on WordPress will be disabled. Enable Disqus comments by clicking on Comments->Disqus from the WordPress dashboard and then clicking Plugin Settings on the top right.

Click the Enable button to activate Disqus Comment on WordPress site. After enabling you can change other settings too if you so wish. There are some very basic options like the forum shortname and where the Disqus comments should be used, as well as advanced ones.

Export comments

Disqus Vs Wordpress

Towards the end of the Settings screen, under the Import and Export section, click on Export comments to Disqus to export the existing WordPress comments to Disqus. You may have to wait for a few seconds to a few hours depending on the number of comments in your site.

After the export is completed, click on See the status of your import at Disqus. This takes you to the moderation dashboard again.

From this point, you can moderate your site's comments from here.

Your site looked like this before the Disqus Comments.

Now, with Disqus commenting system enabled, it looks like this.

Disqus comment plugin wordpress

So, which one do you prefer? Go ahead and install Disqus commenting system and watch the discussions happen between readers logging in through various social media.

A comment system is a must for each website, especially for blogs. It is the best way to know the thoughts of the visitors. They leave their thoughts there, and the admin can view them to understand the needs of the readers or to be satisfied with feedbacks. But, the natural comment system provided by WordPress is not that capable of producing the right results. Many spammers and scammers using it in the wrong way either to steal the information or to create some backlinks. The traditional WordPress comment system has very weak security and a small number of features too. Then, what to do now? Which one to choose?

Here comes the Disqus WordPress comment system plugin that allows you to implement a better WordPress comment system on your website with some more security and features added. It replaces the default comment area by the brand new Disqus comment area. There is a lot to expand about the Disqus. So, let’s have a look at the Disqus WordPress comment system plugin review.

What is Disqus

What is Disqus? A question asked by many of you when you have heard about it. Disqus is a discussion website that can be familiarized with social media. Take a look at disqus.com to know more about the Disqus community and the method of operations. It is referred to as a commenting system that can be implemented on websites to provide a secure commenting environment. Disqus comments are protected securely because the users with a Disqus login ID can only comment on articles in WordPress website or blog. If there is any spamming or scam link building happens, Disqus will notify the administrator. They can decide whether to keep or delete the comment.

To add a new comment in Disqus, the user might have a Disqus account or they can create it right from your website using any of their Facebook, Twitter, or Google accounts. Once they completed the process, they will be allowed to add new comments on the thread. Each Disqus comment will be indexed on the Disqus website like other social media. Users can respond to comments either from the commenting website or directly from the Disqus dashboard on the website. Here is a simple video that gives an idea about the Disqus comment system.

What Makes it Special?

There are many comment systems available on the internet. Then what makes you choose the Disqus WordPress Comment system?

Interactive Dashboard

The Disqus dashboard is very unique from others. It uses a very basic but useful interface for managing the comments and analyzing the account. It uses the user ratings according to the spam comments generated by them. It will be also displayed on the Disqus dashboard. This helps to easily interact with those comments and put them in the spam box.

Extreme Security

Disqus comments system always protect your website against spamming or scam activities. The login based comment system can block the auto-generated comments for spamming. the secure and interactive discussion system also makes it more secure than the traditional comment systems.

Allows login with other Platforms

Unlike other WordPress comment systems, Disqus allows the users to access the comment section using their Google, Facebook, or Twitter accounts. It is very easy to implement the details and it gives instant access to the comments section. A great feature that boosts the popularity of the Disqus plugin to a great extent. The Disqus comment box will look like this.

Good Design

By giving some good features, it never compromised the look and feel of the comment system in your blog. It has a yet good-looking interface that attracts the visitors to comment. It’s very easy to put a new comment. Just input the comment and click a button. It is far better than those comment systems which ask about your email, website, name every time you trying to post a comment. The Disqus commenting is extremely simple when compared to them.

Numerous Add-ons

If you want something more with your Disqus plugin, you can always go for some add-ons provided. It adds some extra features to the plugin thus offers a better commenting system in your WordPress blog.

How to Install Disqus on your Website and How to use Disqus?


The WordPress users can download the Disqus WordPress comment system plugin from the WordPress plugin repository and easily install it on the website. Disqus plugin is one of the best WordPress comment plugins available in the WordPress plugin repository. It automatically replaces the existing comment system on websites by the new one. To install the Disqus plugin on your website, just search on the plugin section of WordPress and install it. If you want a detailed guide for installing a plugin, Read our article on How to Install Plugins on WordPress or you can also check out How to Install WordPress Plugin via FTP.

After installing the plugin, create a Disqus login ID by following the instructions provided by the plugin. After creating a Disqus account, the plugin will start functioning, and you will have a good commenting system on your website.

Disqus WordPress Comment System Plugin Key Features

  • Very simple installation process
  • Free of cost
  • Strong security against spamming
  • Users can log in with any of the Google, Facebook, or Twitter login ID’s
  • Users can comment on any Disqus enable website with a single account
  • It has numerous add-ons to increase the productivity of the commenting system

Do I still want to install the Disqus plugin?

If you are in search of the best comment plugins for WordPress or a good comment widget for WordPress, the Disqus comment system plugin is one of the best choices you can ever make. As you got a basic idea about the plugin from this review, you could easily compare it with other WordPress commenting systems all around the web. Going for a Disqus alternative is not an ideal act because many of the alternatives asking some pay on a monthly or yearly basis. Disqus provides all these for nothing and includes some great features too. Having a Disqus profile is a must for each blogger to protect the website from comment spamming and malicious logins. Comments powered by Disqus has some more power. So, give it a try.

We recently wrote an article on Creating a Recent Comments Page in WordPress. Check it out if you are interested. or Head over to download the plugin.

  • Interface
  • Features
  • Performance
  • Compatibility
  • Value for Money



Disqus is a unique way of letting your users interact with your website. The additional features provided will be suitable to provide an excellent discussion section on the website without wasting your server resources.

User Review
5(1 vote)